A Unique Master Planned Community
of Beautiful 35 Acre Homesites

Colorado Land For Sale - Old West Ranch Real Estate
Old West Ranch - Colorado Ranch Land for Sale
Colorado Land For Sale - Old West Ranch Real Estate

Old West Ranch Updated Video

Colorado Land For Sale - Old West Ranch Real Estate
Old West Ranch - Colorado Ranch Land for Sale
Colorado Land For Sale - Old West Ranch Real Estate

“Buy Land; they ain’t makin any more of it!”

~Mark Twain and Will Rogers.

That catchy statement has proved to be wise and insightful wisdom over the past century and a half. But never has it been so acute.

Populations and cities grow, urban densities increase and our society continues an at ever increasing and frenzied pace. Demands and pressures increase while lot sizes and living quarters decrease. For most, the noises and distractions are encroaching into our personal space, and the idea of peaceful solitude and the freedom of wide open spaces where life is simple and enjoyable are just a theory, a scene from an old western, or perhaps a dream. Well, now there’s a solution!

Introducing Old West Ranch!

An amazing opportunity to secure the best of a rural lifestyle only minutes away from services and conveniences of the city. And all this at surprisingly affordable prices!

Old West Ranch consists of approximately 4,000 acres where we have created beautiful ranchettes consisting of at least 35 acres each.

Very Limited Inventory Remaining! Please click here for what parcels are still available.

Welcome to Old West Ranch. Have fun exploring our website and imagining the possibilities of living a Great American Lifestyle!


Old West Ranch – ranch for sale – Colorado land
Old West Ranch - Colorado Land for sale
Old West Ranch - Colorado Land for sale
Old West Ranch - Colorado Land for sale

Land, The Original American Dream

colorado mountain land for sale
Old West Ranch Colorado Land For Sale
southern colorado land for sale

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